Saturday, October 4, 2014

So far, it's been a lot of getting ready

Well, finally, here we are.

After years of dreaming and planning, and months of execution, we are now finally in Oaxaca, Mexico.

I think we started the dreaming phase 7 or 8 years ago, using our vacations to go check out Spanish-speaking countries so that when the kids were out of the house we could go live there for a while. It felt like we entered the planning phase three years ago when we first visited Oaxaca, because when soon after that I went to work for JPMorgan Chase I gave my new manager the date: October, 2014. And the execution phase started in earnest about a year ago when we reminded our managers that, whether we would have jobs when we got back or not, we were going. But it really started to get real last spring when we bought one-way tickets to Mexico!

I don't mean to complain. It's been a great experience already, in every phase of the process. It was good for our marriage to plan the great escape and work on it together. I think it's been good for our kids to see us doing such an unusual thing. It was good therapy to go through all of our stuff and sort it (toss/give away, store, take along) multiple times until what was left could fit in our checked bags and carry-ons. It has been a great challenge for me to try to learn Spanish, but I hear it is good for old brains to learn new things. Still, I swear I felt travel-weary by the time our friend Dave Buck dropped us off at the airport!

So, if any of you are thinking of taking 6 months off to go live in a foreign country, I just want to warn you - you are in for a LOT of getting ready!


  1. I'm imagining all those new neural pathways developing in your brain! Can you feel the sparks?

    1. It's more like the occasional static cling so far. But there are times when someone really seams to know what I am saying, in Spanish!

  2. Can you just add a "Like" or "Love" button please!? So happy for you guys.

    1. Cheryl, even if I knew how to add a "Like" button, I wouldn't do it - I'd much rather hear what you have to say!

  3. You have an audience. I'll be reading every word. I'm so happy for you!

  4. You have an audience. I'll be reading every word. I'm so happy for you both.

  5. Oops....Sarah will appreciate my ineptness at using social media. I'm learning.... Hugs to you.

    1. I am new to this blogging stuff myself. Thanks for your supportive words, double the good vibes!

  6. Sarah and Randy,
    Have a great time, meet new friends, play every day and remember to look for beauty in all. !Vaya con Dios!
    Love, Gae & Ed

    1. Thanks Gae & Ed - we have been doing lots of playing, meeting lots of people, and we do seem to have fresh eyes for all of the beauty around us here. Thanks!
