Saturday, October 4, 2014

How we got here (figuratively, not literally).

Our 19-year-old, Hannah, is ingenuous. When we told her we had started a blog, she said "But you guys haven't done anything interesting yet." True; and we might not ever do anything interesting but I'm going to tell you how we got here, anyway.

Our original blog title, Sabbatical in Oaxaca, was a misnomer (as well as a bit uninspired). Our original intention was to take a sabbatical, a temporary break from our work lives, to try something new in a foreign country. When Randy took his job 2 1/2 years ago, he told the hiring manager upfront that he would be taking 6 months off starting in the fall of 2014. No problem. I told my manager the same thing when I started my job in 2010. No problem. Somewhere along the line...problem. Randy's boss backpedaled, saying that a sabbatical was really only considered for health reasons. My manager left and the new management offered me a different job when I returned - if one was available.

So, we quit our jobs and maybe a more accurate title for this blog would just be Unemployed in Oaxaca. But we are at a point in our lives where time seems more important than money and more limited than job opportunities. I just hope that we never look back and pinpoint this as the moment everything went al diablo!


  1. This WILL be a time you pinpoint...but the stories are yet to be revealed. I can't wait to hear them!! Love you guys and glad you arrived safely.

    1. It's so great to have friends who are therapists! Thanks Linda.

  2. Feliz Viaje, Ustedes Dos! Estoy esperando con impaciencia a los cuentos de sus aventuras,
    Hope I said what I wanted to say. If not blame it on Google.
    Amar, Diana

  3. Rock on! George and I have wanted to do this for a long time. But, alas, the boys....we will, therefore, live vicariously through you and Randy. Don't look back! Cherie

    1. It's bittersweet, Cherie. This new phase is fabulous but I often read with a bit of envy your posts about Garret and Ethan. Those are great years, too! Besides, you guys do okay in the travel area!

  4. you know the most important question! "¿tienes chocolate?"
