Friday, October 17, 2014

Sights and Sounds Assault

I don't like graffiti, in part because it's vandalizing property but also because most people just aren't very talented. Any idiot with a can of spray paint can do this:


But the truth is, there is a lot of graffiti in Oaxaca and some of it is really pretty good. Here are some of the "works" that I don't hate:
Some buildings can only be improved with a little art.
The Dead are pretty busy in Mexican art.
And some views can't be ruined.
Who doesn't like a singing frog?

But here is our favorite, carved in a cactus -

If Oaxaca is in-your-face with graffiti, it's in-your-ear with the auditory equivalent. Every morning, starting around 6:00, the water truck starts roaming the neighborhood. "¡Aaaah-gua! ¡Super aaah-gua!" Through a bullhorn. All day.
Then comes the gas truck, which announces its presence via loudspeaker with a combination of music, words and random noises. But I guess if you live here you come to appreciate the warnings. This is how you get water and gas. When the truck comes by, you run out into the street to meet it and make your purchase.

Then, the garbage truck. You cannot leave your garbage out. When you hear the truck, you have to bring your garbage to it, perhaps a block away. And if you think the garbageman is going to throw it in the truck for you, think again!

Apparently, some people can habituate to the constant noise.
Oaxaca is a fairly big city (pop. 250,000) but it retains much of the charm - and sounds - of a small town. Hence, the barking dogs and crowing roosters. Truly, something for everyone!

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