Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What we'll miss most - the FINAL POST!

OK, so this is the last post for this blog. Thanks for coming with us on the journey!

What we'll miss most about our Sabbatical in Oaxaca...

The views...
...from El Pedregal
permaculture demonstration site.

My rooftop garden.

The view awaiting us next year...

The food and drink…


Drinking atole enchampurrado in the morning, tejate in the afternoon, chocolate caliente in the evening.

Tlayudas at Ady's.

Another variation of tortilla, beans and cheese at the Pochote market.

Experiencing new things...
New foods, like chapulines, or grasshoppers.

New ways of getting around.
New kinds of trees.

New kinds of composting.
(Above, worm composting.)

The flowers...

Poinsettias grow like weeds.
A flowering vine growing across the telephone line.

Bougainvillea spilling over walls.

Partying in the streets...
The large puppets are monos and a part of any
worthwhile parade.

Just a typical afternoon in Oaxaca.
Man dancing with an exploding "torito" on his head.

Working hard….
Working at El Pedregal with Oliver

Turning the bocashi compost with
78 year old Don Pedro

And hardly working….
On the beach at Puerto Escondido.

Showing people around Oaxaca…
Three amigos.

At the ruins of Mitla with Grampa Gary.

At the Benito Juarez market with Willy and Karla.
Playing cards with the kids.
All visitors happily took a mandatory tour with
En Vía.  Jackie with her new table runner and
the weaver, Juanita.

But most of all,  our new friends…
Enrique, the heirloom chicken "Egg Man"

John (right), born in Mexico

Alejandra, our cleaning lady (left)
Lety, our Spanish teacher (right)

Los Marquez with the Baker clan
Lechuga Tomate Gonzales Tortuga

Our neighbor, Raul

Our other neighbors, Susan and Pepe
Reyna and Beto, our neighborhood restauranteurs
Ryoko and Mica
 at Sarah's ad hoc baking class
Victor, the artist
Dancing up a storm

…and posting to this blog - if you can believe the Blogspot statistics, over the past 6 months we have had over 5,300 page views, from (in order of descending frequency) the USA, Mexico, France, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Chile, Czech Republic and Australia.

Thanks for making this journey with us!


  1. Thank you for taking the time to share your story and photos. I know how hard it is to edit/select from thousands of images. I loved meeting you in Oaxaca. I'll be in Minneapolis this weekend. Small world!

  2. Kathryn, I wish we'd had more overlapping time in Oaxaca but I think our paths will cross again. Have a great weekend with your daughter!

  3. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I've loved following you and learning thru your experiences. Sounds like your life will change again when you get home. I hope you continue to post!

  4. Can't believe that I missed this post! Wonderful pictures, stories. Captures the affection, connection and adventure you experienced. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I know I missed way to many of your posts. Can't wait for next year's!

  5. Can't believe that I missed this post! Wonderful pictures, stories. Captures the affection, connection and adventure you experienced. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I know I missed way to many of your posts. Can't wait for next year's!
