Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Things want to Live

Our friend Juan examines the
plants growing in the cracks at
Monte Alban.
Anywhere there is a bit of dirt, some sun, and a
hint of water will do.

Here in Oaxaca, things want to live. In cracks, on roof tiles, in this soil that looks to my Minnesota eyes like bare subsoil, things want to live. Here is a collection of photos by Sarah, the official photographer of our 2014-15 Sabbatical.

To propagate Plumeria, they bury one end
of a branch in the ground. And it grows. And it blooms. 

Weed growing out of the ancient aqueduct.

Plants growing in the roof gutters above.

Agave getting ready to bloom and die,
it puts up what looks to me like a giant asparagus spear. 

These things want to grow
 in wicking beds on a windy, full sun roof top.

There is no name for Morning Glories down here,
I guess they are just another weed growing in the cracks.

Lechuga Gonzales Tortuga, our temporary pet,
greedily devouring lettuce.

This Ficus tree, planted in a small hole in the sidewalk
outside our house years ago,
now makes the driveway unusable.

Don Pedro's Bulls. 

This looks to me like a hostile environment,
but it's just another ficus growing into concrete

If I can keep California red wigglers alive,
they must really want to live!

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