Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fixing a hole...

"I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering where it will go…"

Helping my neighbor, Raul, build his own
self-wicking garden beds
These lyrics by Paul McCartney are a pretty good metaphor for what I'm doing here in Oaxaca. Working full time back in the States I didn't feel like I had time for wandering, for exploring. But here in Oaxaca, I entered what seemed like an ocean of time - 6 months off. I have developed the internal mantra, "I have time". When someone wants to stop and chat on the street, "I have time". When we come across music and dancing in the street, "I have time". When someone wants help with their garden project, "I have time" (Of course, I brought myself down here with me, and I do tend to overcommit, but that is probably raw material for another blog entry :-) ).

"I'm taking the time for a number of things that weren't important yesterday, and I still count…"

Turning the compost pile at El Pedregal.
Not everyone's idea of a good time,
but it works for me! 
Passing our half-way mark around New Year's Day (3 months down, 3 to go), it suddenly felt like the ocean of time ahead of us became half an ocean. And more recently, we passed the 2/3 mark (4 months down, two to go). But still, on a daily basis, "I have time". But reaching these mile markers has inspired me to reflect on what we have done so far, and to think intentionally about what I want to do with the rest of our time here. When we get back to the States in April, I don't want to look back and feel like the time got away from us. So I guess it's time to write up the punch list.

I want to continue my work at El Pedregal, to continue with our compost trials so we can learn how best to improve the soil. I want to do what I can to help people here grow organic food, on top of their houses if that is the only sunny spot they have, and I'd like to shore up some connections with locals who might like to partner with me in that effort. And I'd like to tour an organic Oaxacan coffee farm, if that's not too much to ask. Is that too much to ask?

"And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong. I'm right where I belong. I'm right where I belong!"

Right where I belong. 
Without the burden of a paycheck, I have had the luxury of doing "what my hand turns to" (where does that quote come from, anyway?). And what I have found is that, in addition to writing this blog,  I seem to enjoy helping people grow organic food!

My hope is that, through this Sabbatical process, the next phase of my work life will emerge. But that in itself can be a trap: I can get so caught up in the goal of defining the next phase of my work life that I miss the wide open ocean of time that I am traveling in, and forget to relax. Really relax.

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