Monday, January 26, 2015


A downside of being in Oaxaca for 6 months (and there aren't many) is that I don't get to see my kids. I'm used to not seeing Evan or Quinn very often, since they live in SF and WA, but I loved stopping by the University of MN on my way home from work to visit Hannah, and Beau just moved back to our neighborhood before we left. So my spirits were high on Jan. 11, when Randy and I headed to the airport to retrieve the 4 of them. By the time we put them all in a taxi to return home 8 days later, our sides hurt from laughing so much, our wallets were empty from going everywhere and doing everything, and my eyes were stinging with tears. It's great to be able to enjoy your kids as adults.

Highlights of the visit included the Zapotec ruins of Monte Alban, the incredibly beautiful Hierve el Agua, a tour of Randy's work at El Pedregal and the obligatory participation on an En Vía tour. But the best day was spent with our adopted Mexican family, la familia Marquez Prado, learning to make tamales.

The Family Arrives
Evan, Beau, Randy, Quinn, Hannah.

The Carne Asada, aka Smoke House at the 20 de Noviembre Market.
Tacomer, one of our favorite taquerias. We are usually the only gringos there.

You need good sunglasses in Oaxaca!
Exploring the ruins.
 Monte Alban
How did that butterfly get all the way up here?

Hanging out at Home
                           It was fun to hear Beau's new songs.

Cards and Loaded Questions. We laughed till we cried.
En Route to El Pedregal
Getting ready for the super-steep 1 km hike up the mountain.

Smith's (pronounced Smit's) juice bar in Huayapam.
It's good to know how to make a spear from things you find lying around.
En Vía Tour
Evan takes a try at carding raw wool.
Beau spins the wool the old-fashioned way.
Hannah tries her hand at weaving on the loom.
Quinn with her new tapete, shown by the weaver, Irene.
I love visiting this group of En Vía women on a tour.
They demonstrate from start to finish how they make their
fabulous wool rugs.
Hierve el Agua
Randy says there must be a name for the condition I have -
when a mother keeps arranging for trips to places with steep
drop-offs, then spends the entire time yelling "Get away from
that drop-off!"

The red in the photo is Evan. See why I'm nervous?
Despite the name, the agua was nowhere near boiling.
The girls made the best of the refreshingly-cool water.
All that rock climbing got the boys ready for a dip.
View of the pools and calcified falls. One of the most beautiful
and unusual places I've ever been.
Making Tamales with the Marquez Prado Family
Alicia and her mom, Ofelia, made it look easy. Hannah spreads the mole.
First you spread the masa on a banana leaf, then you add
mole negro and chicken.

Quinn checks out the banana leaf.
¡Ya, basta! Enough photos!
Sergio and Karime with our kids.

Around Town
Beau busking on the streets of Oaxaca.
I wonder if it helps to have your Dad standing right next to you?

Night at the billiard hall.

Beautiful view of Santo Domingo - and Hannah!
Beau gets a trim from our friend Pepe.

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